Location: Seattle, WA, United States

Tuesday, November 15, 2005



so i realize that halloween was actually about 2 weeks ago, and while i accept that i am sorely behind the times, i have been rather busy actually doing work over here, so i'm a little behind on my blogging. sorry.

so here is a brief update bringing you the best of dublin halloween costumes 2005. as worn by tisch dublin students.

here we have logan. logan is a vampire hunter. specifically he is sephiroth, who is apparently a bad guy from final fantasy VII (he just told me that). anyway, a cool costume. note the excellent katana he pieced together from two shorter ones.

here we have me. now, hard as it may be to notice, i am actually wearing a costume. everyone (as in a few people) decided on a superhero theme this year for halloween, and not wanting to disappoint, but still needing to be as annoying unique as the scott you have all come to know and love, i decided to be spaceman spiff. that's right, one of calvin's alter egos from the comic strip. now, i think i pulled it off rather well, but let me know what you think. really. tell me, please.

now, if there was a contest for the sexiest costume, i'm sure one of these two would win. don't ask me which, i'd get in trouble no matter who i said (i love you, steph). both were fantastic costumes, steph as superwoman and meg as robin. both great costumes, both great people. good times.

and of course, i had to save the best for last...

this is trip. he wanted to be nightcrawler, so he painted himself blue. all blue. it took him about 3 hours, but it looks awesome. we went out walking in temple bar that night, just all of us in costume, and people were constantly stopping him and asking to have their picture taken with him. it was hilarious. and cool. anyway, trip was king of temple bar that night, and king of halloween dublin.

so that was halloween. sorry it's late, but here it is. next up will be our trip to belfast, which was last weekend, but i'll probably take another few days to update. it will be good though, so be patient.

until then,




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