Location: Seattle, WA, United States

Monday, October 10, 2005

north o' dublin

howdy all you buckaroos out there in americaland!

this weekend has been full of fun exploits for me. i went grocery shopping AND cleaned the kitchen in the apartment. and that was only sunday!

actually, what i did on saturday i suppose would be more interesting (not if you saw the state of our kitchen before i started cleaning...). what we (rob and myself) did was take a trip north of dublin, to the very top of dublin bay actually, to the little town of howth (pronounced like "both"). we went on the advice of my flattie adam (flattie is to flatmate as roomie is to roommate, get it?), and we were not disappointed. it is a very neat little village on the bay, with some cool island off shore and a harbor with lots of ships. it also happens to be on a hillside, so rob and i went climbing up the bluffs in hopes of good views and such. we found quite a bit of good stuff. we saw some munchkins playing gaelic football, and realized that over-zealous sports parents are not exclusive to america. we then took our time finding our way up the bluffs and saw some neat stuff, which you can see now...

this is the village and port of howth, as seen from the highest bluff we could find. that is only the actualy village and sadly it is not nearly as remote as it might seem, as it is only a 30 minute bus ride out of dublin. still, if you overlook the tourists, it has a very small town feel, and i liked it a lot. it's close enough to the city to not be in the boonies, but remote enough to feel out of the city. i highly recommend it.

this was in an old broken down church on a hill in howth. the doors and windows were all barred up, but we managed to find a way was converted into a graveyard, and there were some really old tombstones that were pretty cool. i thought this image was just a cool image, the tombstone lying broken, the descrated cross, just packed full of symbolism, so take your pick.

this was a neat glade we found on our way up the bluff. right before we got to this glade, we ran into a woman walking her three dogs. or rather, we saw her with two of her dogs while hearing a third barking in the trees. she smiled at us and said she thinks he found a hedgehog. we smiled back and walked on, and then passed a yellow lab with a dead hedgehog in its mouth. fun.

on our way back down, rob decided to find his own way down. he kind of succeeded in finding a path...

anyway, that was our trip to howth. i have lots of other pictures, but most of them are of clouds. i don't know what it is, but ireland has the coolest clouds of anywhere i've seen. i keep using up all my pictures on clouds. maybe at the end of all this, i'll publish a book on irish clouds.

hope all is well, and keep in touch!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

looking forward to just staring at those clouds with you...NEXT WEEK! :)

5:01 PM  

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