Location: Seattle, WA, United States

Friday, September 23, 2005

finally back

hello all...

sorry about the lack of postings recently, our wonderful tech person has decided to play with the wireless connection around here, and i was unable to connect on my laptop, and there is only so much imac i can take...
actually, the wireless is still down, but i have magically connected my laptop by jacking a cable from the evil macintosh corporation. however, the connection is really slow.

so, after seeing all of those pictures with little or no explanation, i suppose you might want to know where i went and what i did. lessee...

we went to the aran islands, in county galway, which is off the west coast of ireland. to be specific, we were on inishmore, the largest island, and a very cool place. and by cool, i mean amazing and wonderful and all things good in this world. so i guess i would say i had a pretty good time. first, however we went to galway, the city, which is kind of like a smaller, quainter dublin. think portland as compared to seattle. that was about it. we spent too long there, if you ask me, and i was glad when we finally got on the ferry to head to the island. the cool sunset picture i took over the atlantic was from the ferry.

we got to the island, and took far too long getting to the hostel because we were terribly distracted by all the cool scenery and old abandoned buildings. we had a good dinner of amazing curry chicken, and then went to the local pub, which was also very cool. we hung out with our program directors, got to know them a little better and then went to sleep in a cold hostel room, only to be awoken at around 4 am by some irish guys looking for their friend who was sleepwalking. fun stuff. we saw them the next morning at breakfast, and besides hitting on everything that moves, he explained that their friend then got into bed in the girls room (an empty bed, luckily), and they finally found him around 5. so, good stories i get.

we then went on a bus tour, which at first we were very unenthuised about, but it turned out to be very cool. we spent most of the time at dun aengus, which was the subject of the last post, and it was amazing. right on the cliffs, it is a 3000 year old fort, built before even the celts came to ireland. i spent as much time up there as time allowed, and we were late coming back to the bus, but whatever. i am fully planning on going back some weekend before our time here is done. we also got to explore an old church, which i have pictures of (see below), and had a really good lunch of baked potato and leek and potato soup. then i bought a sweater, and we went home.

anyway, a very good trip indeed, and the result of that, mostly of our time up on the cliffs, is that i have completely changed the idea of what kind of play i was going to write while i am here, and am currently working on a piece which will incorporate local myths and fairy tales. so that's exciting i think.

and so, now what everyone has been waiting for...the pictures...

... apparently with this stupid connection being how it is, i can't get any pictures to post right now. so i'll put those up as soon as i can. that is to say, as soon as the wireless connection is fixed and i can get a decent speed. but let's see if i can't describe the ones i was going to post...

ok, so this is a really cool church that was one of the first things we saw on the island. it is basically a shell of a church, with boarde up doors and windows, but we managed to get in by climbing through some holes. it was very neat inside with trees growing and lots of empty bottles, probably left by local kids. the cool thing about this picture is the sky in the background, which is kind of a blue and purple sunset. very pretty.

this next one is a thatched hut we saw on the bus tour. this is the only picture i took on the bus, and it's not terribly good, but it is an example of a traditional aran hut, like they used to live in. there are people that still live in houses like this on the island, but i think that this one was uninhabited. it's white with a thatched roof and red window frames (i think?)

this one is me on the cliffside. i am standing by a wall, about 4 feet from the 200 foot drop. you can't really tell how cool it is from this picture, but if you take the one from the other post which is the cliffside shot with the big jut sticking out, that's basically where i was standing, you just can't see it in the picture.

this last one is a very cool picture. this is three other people on the trip during the ferry ride, when the sun was coming over the water. i managed to get them almost completely sillouetted behind the sun, and it is a very nice picture, i think. i think the people are trip, meg and elysia. if that means anything to anyone. i'm sure i'll have some pictures of some of them at some point.

anyway, those are my kick-ass pictures, and if you check back soon, maybe you'll actually see the pictures themselves, instead of my excellent descfriptions of them. so check back later, and we'll see what we can do!

keep on rocking it in the states!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take it your enjoying your time in Ireland then. I am so ridiculously jealous of you, even though I've already been there. I stayed around County Donegal for basically the entire time I was there, so I never really got a chance to explore Dublin or those Aran islands.(I hope I spelled that right)I think I prefer the more rural Ireland, at any rate.
If you ever get a chance to get near Donegal, possibly to visit your relatives, the Hurleys, you might try stopping in Falcarragh. Its quite small, so you might not find it interesting, but it was home for me. Maybe, you can even take some pictures. Alright, well I have thoroughly abused my blog privleges, so I'd better stop typing soon. If you get a chance to take any more pictures, you could always drop a copy off in an e-mail. My address is:

Have fun and God bless

9:24 PM  

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