Location: Seattle, WA, United States

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

fun in historic dublin

hello all.

hope you have all been having great craic in the US, doing stuff and talking to people, and whatever it is you do there without me. (great craic means great fun, by the way)

today, we took a historic walking tour of dublin, emphasis on walking. it was extremely interesting, and our guide (who is also teaching a course while we're here) was extremely well informed, very passionate and very, very long winded. he also got distracted a lot, which wouldn't have been a bad thing if it didn't turn a 3 hour tour into a 3.5 hour tour. needless to say, i had to take a nap afterward, which was not long enough.

as people have threatened me with force to do, i swallowed my pride, put on my tourist hat, and took some pictures on the tour. so, here they are, and i'll do my best to provide clever little captions.

so, this is the front gate of trinity college, founded in 1592 (i think). very old, very prestigious, very expensive. a curious tidbit is that it used to be entirely protestant until about 35 years ago. quite recent for integration. (ok, maybe it's not THAT interesting, but it's all i could come up with)

this is a tower in the middle of trinity. yay. there is a bell in the tower older than the university. that's an old bell.

seriously. think about it, that is an OLD bell.

ok, the blog program is acting wacky, and i can't get more pictures being the technical illiterati i am, so more will follow later!

have fun andkeep on truckin'



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott make sure you get to the Irish National Museum...amazing ancient celtic artifacts....also my husband Curt has a contact in Dublin with the person who runs Commedy Sportz there if you'd like it...Virginia

8:27 PM  

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