Location: Seattle, WA, United States

Monday, October 03, 2005

county down pt 3

here are the last of the county down pictures, enjoy!

this is a rather lousy picture of a cool image. this was a little tower on a point, with that tree very picturesque-ly framing it. i thought it was a cool little image, and dad and i tried to hike out to the point to get some good shots, but alas, it would have involved trespassing, and while i myself may not have scruples about such pithy things as "property" and "possessions", my dad falls victim to the brainwashing mindset of our capitalistic society, and we did not go. so this was the best picture i could get. sorry.

we took a random detour to see inch abbey, a little ruin in out of the way county down, and we were not disappointed. the light was quite excellent with cloud breaks and all, and the pictures i took there were the best of the bunch. this is one i took on our way out, which is a good overarching shot of the abbey. it was a very tranquil place, and nice to be. dad got startled by a dog.

this is another shot of the abbey, from the other side. as you can see, the weather here will go from sunny to rainy and back again in about 2.53 seconds. but, it led to a good variety of pictures, and we were never bored, so there ya go. you can't really see the abbey that well, but that's what the other picture is for, this one is pretty.

inch abbey was also the place i took the "postcard shot". we had a great view of down cathedral from there.

so, that was our trip through county down. a fun trip, even if not terribly productive, genealogically speaking. oh well. i guess it's just an excuse to go back someday. let me know what you think, and i would love to hear a line from any of you!

all my best to the states (you need it, i think)




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