Location: Seattle, WA, United States

Friday, October 21, 2005

old news...

...well, to some people, anyway.

it all started way way back in april with an age-old (admit it, 4 semesters can equal a lot of time at WU) theatre tradition involving wackily innovative directors, creatively costumed actors, and most important for our story--writers who like their characters to wax religious and play with dolls. that's right, something significant was actually produced at a 24-hour theatre festival.

anyway...flash forward through graduation, a very long summer, and one trip to the sierra nevadas later...

a story:

scott and steph were hiking one day, on a trail scott thought he knew quite well. turns out, after much off-roading through various types of scratchy brush only found in desolation wilderness, scott got his cute little self and his increasingly irate and grumpy girlfriend lost. luckily, through his uncanny sense of direction, and his tremendously admirable wilderness survival skills (read: we found the damn trail by accident), he managed to turn the little detour into a shortcut to the top of mount tallac. brilliant, no?

regardless of whatever level of brilliance (or lack thereof) was employed in getting to tallac's summit (over 9,800 feet!), nothing could've prepared our strikingly beautiful and brilliant heroine (kidding--i was being incredibly mean and looked like i'd been rolled down the mountain instead of led up) for what was to come next. dessert. we'd saved our cookies for the top, as a little reward, and once we had made it to the stunning view on top:

(stephie's mountains)

...we enjoyed our oatmeal and chocolate chip treats. of us enjoyed them. the other (the female of the species) was badly out of shape, and a bit fatigued from the 3,000 foot climb. The male on the journey, to his credit, was trying very hard to cheer our old girl up, and along those lines mentioned something about another surprise he'd been saving for the mountaintop.

after several double-takes and a loud "what is that?" she decided to take the ring box and see what was inside. i guess she liked it, cause she's here writing this with me, and it's still on her finger.

(the inscription is ogham [ancient irish alphabet], it means "love forever")

if you're looking for practical details about when the wedding will be, and where, and in what country, well, tough cookies. sort of like the ones we ate on the mountain. but when a politics aficionado and a theatre major get together, there's bound to be good times. and good music. and friends. so, if you fall into one of those categories, then keep your ears peeled, and your dancing shoes handy.

slainte! (it's irish, look it up)

steph & scott

(And PS- there will never be any such woman named "Steph Herman"...I'm keeping my last name. :-))


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats kids! Love & miss you!


11:21 AM  

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